Analyzed (Linked) Contract Alerts
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Analyzed contract alerts come as soon as WandBot links a contract to a twitter account associated to the project.
These come with more accurate and meaningful social data for a given project.
Analyzed Contract Alerts Overview section includes:
Links to the project twitter and to a search twitter for the contract and the cashtag. The first link is to the project twitter, and the second link is to a twitter search of both the cashtag and the contract address.
Twitter following/followers count and join date
Contract Deployment and basic metrics
Social Links for the project, if present
Past usernames of the project twitter, if present
Analyzed Contract Alerts Analysis section includes:
Score of the highest scoring interaction
Tweet from the project twitter with the most likes
Count of organic interactions by interaction type
5 top scoring interactions
Detail on the highest scoring interaction (i.e. the tweet liked by the highest scoring user)